Soar Young Adults

Our Ministry

Welcome to Soar, our young adult group! This group is for everyone who are in college or in their 20s. We’re a group that loves having having fun, playing games, and learning about, praising, and serving the Lord. We understand that being in college/being fresh out of college can be a difficult and confusing time of life, so we’re here to come alongside you and walk through this period of life with you so that nothing you face is something you’ll go through alone. We’re so glad you’re here, and we look forward to meeting y’all!

Soar Young Adults

Our group is named Soar after Isaiah 40:30-31, which says, “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (NIV) We know this time of life can be pretty messy, but we believe that if we put our hope and trust in the Lord, he will give us the strength to face whatever challenge we face!

Our Gatherings

Soar meets twice a month on every other Friday evenings of the month at RLCC at 7PM. Each time we meet we go through one chapter of the Bible in-depth. We also go do something fun once a quarter! If you’d like more information, or you have any questions, please email our Young Adult Minister, Noah Johnstone, at the email below, or text him at 540-514-5749. We look forward to seeing y’all there!